Explore Azure Event Grid
- Azure Event Grid
- Azure Event Grid -
- uses the publish-subscribe model (Not guarantee order for event delivery, so subscribers may receive them out of order.)
- Event Grid allows you to easily build applications with event-based architectures
- Concepts in Azure Event Grid
- Events - What happened. (size 64 KB )
- Event sources - Where the event took place.
- Topics - The endpoint where publishers send events.
- System topics - Provide by Azure Service
- Custom topics - third-party topics
- Event subscriptions - The endpoint or built-in mechanism to route events, sometimes to more than one handler. Subscriptions are also used by handlers to intelligently filter incoming events.
- Event handlers - The app or service reacting to the event.
- Discover event schemas - ถ้าใหญ่ไปต้องแบ่งส่ง
- Event schema
- Event properties เดี๋ยวต้องไปดูเพิ่ม
[ { "topic": string, "subject": string, "id": string, "eventType": string, "eventTime": string, "data":{ object-unique-to-each-publisher }, "dataVersion": string, "metadataVersion": string } ]
- CloudEvents v1.0 schema
- Explore event delivery durability
- Retry schedule - ตั้งส่งใหม่
- Retry policy
- Maximum number of attempts
- Event time-to-live (TTL) - หน่วยนาที
- Output batching (Improved HTTP performance in high-throughput scenarios.)
- Max events per batch
- Preferred batch size in kilobytes - ขนาดที่เหมาะสมของ Event แต่ถ้าขนาดมากกว่า
- Preferred Size มันยังส่งนะ
- Delayed delivery
- Dead-letter events - เกิดตอน ส่ง Event ไม่ทัน
- Custom delivery properties
- Control access to events
- Event Grid ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ Azure AD + RBAC จัดการได้ ยกเว้น publishing events ให้ Event Grid topics / domains ต้องใช้ SAS ช่วย
- Built-in roles
- Event Grid Subscription Reader - read Event
- Event Grid Subscription Contributor - manage event
- Event Grid Contributor - create and manage Event Grid resources.
- Event Grid Data Sender - send events
- ถ้า event handler ไม่ใช่ WebHooks ต้อง เช่น ใช่ Azure Event Hub / Azure Queue ต้องมาขอ write permission Microsoft.EventGrid/EventSubscriptions/Write ด้วย
- Permissions for event subscriptions
- System topics - ยุ่งกับ resource
- Custom topics - ยุ่งกับ event grid
- Receive events by using webhooks
- Service ของ Azure ที่ Support WebHooks
- Azure Logic Apps with Event Grid Connector
- Azure Automation via webhook
- Azure Functions with Event Grid Trigger
- Endpoint validation with Event Grid events
- Synchronous handshake - ถ้าทำเสร็จมันจะส่ง
กลับมา - Asynchronous handshake -
- Synchronous handshake - ถ้าทำเสร็จมันจะส่ง
- ไม่รองรับ Self Cert
- Filter events
- Event type filtering
"filter": { "includedEventTypes": [ "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure", "Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess" ] }
- Subject filtering
"filter": { "subjectBeginsWith": "/blobServices/default/containers/mycontainer/log", "subjectEndsWith": ".jpg" }
- Advanced filtering - ดูจาก Field ใน Event (Key) และค่าของมัน (Value) โดยสามารถเขียน Operation ควบคุมได้
"filter": { "advancedFilters": [ { "operatorType": "NumberGreaterThanOrEquals", "key": "Data.Key1", "value": 5 }, { "operatorType": "StringContains", "key": "Subject", "values": ["container1", "container2"] } ] }
Knowledge check - Explore Azure Event Grid (Knowledge check)
Explore Azure Event Hubs
Azure Event Hubs (PaaS) is a big data streaming platform and event ingestion service.
- Real-time and batch processing
- Scalable
- Rich ecosystem (Compatible Apache Kafka)
- Key concepts

- Event Hub client
- Event Hub producer
- Event Hub consumer
- Partition is an ordered sequence of events that is held in an Event Hub.
- Consumer group - view of an entire Event Hub. เข้าถึงได้พร้อมกันมากที่สุด 5 Partition
- Event receivers: Any entity that reads event data from an event hub (ใช้ AMQP)
- Throughput units or processing units: Pre-purchased units
- Explore Event Hubs Capture
- Captured data/Event (รูปแบบ Apache Avro format) ใน Event Hub สามารถเอาไปเก็บที่ Azure Blob / Azure Data Lake Storage ได้
- Capture windowing - ขนาดของข้อมูล - naming convention
- Scaling to throughput units
- 1 MB per second or 1000 events per second of ingress
- twice that amount of egress.
- ถ้าอยากได้เพิ่มต้องซื้่อ Throughput units
- Scale your processing application
- Requirement: For designing the consumer in a distributed environment
- Scale
- Load balance
- Seamless resume on failure
- checkpoint or offset - จุดที่ consumer ก่อน fail
- Consume events
- Partition ownership tracking
- Receive messages
- Checkpointing - process by which an event processor marks or commits the position of the last successfully processed event within a partition
- Thread safety and processor instances -
- function ที่จัดการกับ Event ทำงานตามลำดับ (sequentially) ในแต่ละ partition
- แต่ทำ Parallel ได้ ถ้ามี Partition หลายๆอัน
- Control access to events
- Azure built-in roles for authorizing access to Event Hubs
- Azure Event Hubs Data Owner: give complete access to Event Hubs resources.
- Azure Event Hubs Data Sender: give send access to Event Hubs resources.
- Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver: give receiving access to Event Hubs resources.
- Authorize access
- managed identities
- Microsoft Identity Platform
- Event Hubs publishers with Shared Access Signatures
- Event Hubs consumers with shared access signatures
- Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library
ใช้ The Azure Event Hubs SDKs มาเขียน Code
- Namespace : Azure.Messaging.EventHubs
- Class EventHubProducerClient
- Inspect an Event Hub
- Publish events to an Event Hub
- Class EventHubConsumerClient
- Read / Read all events from an Event Hub
- Class EventProcessorClient
- Process Event
- NOTE ใช้ Read แทน EventHubConsumerClient เหมาะกับ Production มากกว่า
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