Type of HTML in JSX/TSX
- Html is jsx/tsx -- Can view in developer tool only
- Html with text พวก Container อย่าง div span
- Html with child element
- Html with attribute
Sample Code
import { useState } from 'react' import reactLogo from './assets/react.svg' import viteLogo from '/vite.svg' import './App.css' function App() { return ( <div className="App"> <h1>Hello</h1> { /* 1. Html is jsx -- Can view in developer tool only*/ } <div/ > { /* 2. Html with text พวก Container อย่าง div span*/ } <div>2. Text Div</div> <span>2. Text Span</span> { /* 3. Html with child element */ } <div> <span>3. Child Span</span> <p>3. Child P</p> </div> { /* 4. Html with attribute */ } <div role="App" id="app1"> 4. Attribute with double quote </div> <div role='App' id='app2'> 4. Attribute with single quote </div> <div role={`App`} id='app3'> 4. Attribute with grave accent ` </div> </div> ) } export default App
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