Why curl in K8S
- for troubleshooting
- diagnose an issue with your app in Kubernetes.
Small Container Image for curl
- curlimages/curl - Docker Image | Docker Hub - very small image about 10MB
- redhat/ubi8 - Docker Image | Docker Hub - for redHat Family
- radial/busyboxplus:curl
Note: busybox - Official Image base image not include curl
How to use curl image
Create a new Temporary Pod (curlImages)
- Initial curl image with iterative shell
#Intial curl image with iteratve shell kubectl run pingkungcurl1--image=curlimages/curl -i --tty -- sh / $ curl http://sample-svc.testapi {"message":"pingkung_a123"}
- curl with internal IP
#curl with internal ip kubectl run --rm -it --tty pingkungcurl1 --image=curlimages/curl --restart=Never --
- curl with k8s service (Pattern service.namespace)
#curl with service kubectl run --rm -it --tty pingkungcurl1 --image=curlimages/curl --restart=Never -- dbpub-svc-svc.dbzone:5001
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