[C#] Rijndael Cryptography Code

C# Code that convert RijndaelCrypto from VB6 Version by Phil Fresle

using System;
using ds.Common.Const;
using ds.Common.Exceptional;
using ds.Common.Resources;

namespace ds.Common.Cryptography
    public class RijndaelCrypto : ICryptography
        private string _mykey = "Your-Secret-Key-Here";

        public RijndaelCrypto() {         

	    public RijndaelCrypto(string password){
		    this._mykey = password;

        public CRYPTO_ALGORITHM Algorithm { get { return CRYPTO_ALGORITHM.RIJINDAEL; } }

        public string Encrypt(string pData)
                string iv = _mykey.Substring(0, _mykey.Length / 2);

                return Rijndael.EncryptData(pData, _mykey, iv, Rijndael.BlockSize.Block256, Rijndael.KeySize.Key256, Rijndael.EncryptionMode.ModeECB, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new AppException(ERROR_CODE.DSAPP000MD00002001, CommonErrorResource.DSAPP000MD00002001, EXCEPTION_LEVEL.System, ex);

        public string Decrypt(string pData)
                string iv = _mykey.Substring(0, _mykey.Length / 2);
                return Rijndael.DecryptData(pData, _mykey, iv, Rijndael.BlockSize.Block256, Rijndael.KeySize.Key256, Rijndael.EncryptionMode.ModeECB, true);

            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new AppException(ERROR_CODE.DSAPP000MD00002002, CommonErrorResource.DSAPP000MD00002002, EXCEPTION_LEVEL.System, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// AUTHOR:       Phil Fresle
        /// COPYRIGHT:    Copyright 2001-2005 Phil Fresle
        /// EMAIL:        phil@frez.co.uk
        /// WEB:          http://www.frez.co.uk
        /// Implementation of the AES Rijndael Block Cipher, converted from my VB6 version. 
        /// Inspired by Mike Scott's implementation in C. Permission for free direct or 
        /// derivative use is granted subject to compliance with any conditions that the 
        /// originators of the algorithm place on its exploitation.
        /// The Rijndael home page is here:-
        /// http://www.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at/research/krypto/AES/old/~rijmen/rijndael/
        /// NOTE: All string conversions assume strings are Unicode; this may yield different
        /// results from other implementations if the other implementations are based 
        /// on Ascii strings. Unicode is a 2-byte character set, and means that the routines
        /// will work just fine on, for instance, Japanese text.
        /// 16-Feb-2001		Phil Fresle		Initial VB6 Version
        /// 03-Apr-2001		Phil Fresle     Added EncryptData and DecryptData functions to 
        ///									VB6 version.
        /// 19-Apr-2001		Phil Fresle     Thanks to Paolo Migliaccio for finding a bug
        ///									with 256 bit key in VB6 version.
        ///	11-Jul-2005		Phil Fresle		Initial C# version.
        /// </summary>
        internal class Rijndael
            public enum BlockSize { Block128, Block192, Block256 };
            public enum KeySize { Key128, Key192, Key256 };
            public enum EncryptionMode { ModeECB, ModeCBC };
            public enum CharacterSet { CharsUnicode, CharsAscii };

            private static byte[] InCo = { 0xB, 0xD, 0x9, 0xE };
            private static byte[] fbsub = new byte[256];
            private static byte[] rbsub = new byte[256];
            private static byte[] ptab = new byte[256];
            private static byte[] ltab = new byte[256];
            private static uint[] ftable = new uint[256];
            private static uint[] rtable = new uint[256];
            private static uint[] rco = new uint[30];
            private static int Nk, Nb, Nr;
            private static byte[] fi = new byte[24];
            private static byte[] ri = new byte[24];
            private static uint[] fkey = new uint[120];
            private static uint[] rkey = new uint[120];

            private static byte RotateLeft(byte valueToShift, int shiftBits)
                // Rotate the bits in the byte
                return (byte)((valueToShift << shiftBits) |
                    (valueToShift >> (8 - shiftBits)));

            private static uint RotateLeft(uint valueToShift, int shiftBits)
                // Rotate the bits in the integer
                return (valueToShift << shiftBits) |
                    (valueToShift >> (32 - shiftBits));

            private static uint Pack(byte[] b)
                uint temp = 0;

                for (byte i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                    temp |= ((uint)b[i] << (i * 8));

                return temp;

            private static uint PackFrom(byte[] b, int k)
                uint temp = 0;

                for (byte i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                    temp |= ((uint)b[i + k] << (i * 8));

                return temp;

            private static void Unpack(uint a, byte[] b)
                b[0] = (byte)a;
                b[1] = (byte)(a >> 8);
                b[2] = (byte)(a >> 16);
                b[3] = (byte)(a >> 24);

            private static void UnpackFrom(uint a, byte[] b, int k)
                b[0 + k] = (byte)a;
                b[1 + k] = (byte)(a >> 8);
                b[2 + k] = (byte)(a >> 16);
                b[3 + k] = (byte)(a >> 24);

            private static byte xtime(byte a)
                byte b;

                if ((a & 0x80) != 0)
                    b = 0x1b;
                    b = 0;

                a <<= 1;
                a ^= b;

                return a;

            private static byte bmul(byte x, byte y)
                if (x != 0 && y != 0)
                    return ptab[(ltab[x] + ltab[y]) % 255];
                    return 0;

            private static uint SubByte(uint a)
                byte[] b = new byte[4];

                Unpack(a, b);
                b[0] = fbsub[b[0]];
                b[1] = fbsub[b[1]];
                b[2] = fbsub[b[2]];
                b[3] = fbsub[b[3]];

                return Pack(b);

            private static byte product(uint x, uint y)
                byte[] xb = new byte[4];
                byte[] yb = new byte[4];

                Unpack(x, xb);
                Unpack(y, yb);

                return (byte)(bmul(xb[0], yb[0]) ^ bmul(xb[1], yb[1]) ^
                    bmul(xb[2], yb[2]) ^ bmul(xb[3], yb[3]));

            private static uint InvMixCol(uint x)
                uint y, m;
                byte[] b = new byte[4];

                m = Pack(InCo);
                b[3] = product(m, x);
                m = RotateLeft(m, 24);
                b[2] = product(m, x);
                m = RotateLeft(m, 24);
                b[1] = product(m, x);
                m = RotateLeft(m, 24);
                b[0] = product(m, x);
                y = Pack(b);

                return y;

            private static byte ByteSub(byte x)
                byte y;

                y = ptab[255 - ltab[x]];
                x = y;
                x = RotateLeft(x, 1);
                y ^= x;
                x = RotateLeft(x, 1);
                y ^= x;
                x = RotateLeft(x, 1);
                y ^= x;
                x = RotateLeft(x, 1);
                y ^= x;
                y ^= 0x63;

                return y;

            public static void gentables()
                byte y;
                byte[] b = new byte[4];

                ltab[0] = 0;
                ptab[0] = 1;
                ltab[1] = 0;
                ptab[1] = 3;
                ltab[3] = 1;

                for (int i = 2; i <= 255; i++)
                    ptab[i] = (byte)(ptab[i - 1] ^ xtime(ptab[i - 1]));
                    ltab[ptab[i]] = (byte)i;

                fbsub[0] = 0x63;
                rbsub[0x63] = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i <= 255; i++)
                    y = ByteSub((byte)i);
                    fbsub[i] = y;
                    rbsub[y] = (byte)i;

                y = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 29; i++)
                    rco[i] = y;
                    y = xtime(y);

                for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++)
                    y = fbsub[i];
                    b[3] = (byte)(y ^ xtime(y));
                    b[2] = y;
                    b[1] = y;
                    b[0] = xtime(y);
                    ftable[i] = Pack(b);

                    y = rbsub[i];
                    b[3] = bmul(InCo[0], y);
                    b[2] = bmul(InCo[1], y);
                    b[1] = bmul(InCo[2], y);
                    b[0] = bmul(InCo[3], y);
                    rtable[i] = Pack(b);

            public static void gkey(int nb, int nk, byte[] key)
                int i, j, k, m, N;
                int C1, C2, C3;
                uint[] CipherKey = new uint[8];

                Nb = nb;
                Nk = nk;

                if (Nb >= Nk)
                    Nr = 6 + Nb;
                    Nr = 6 + Nk;

                C1 = 1;
                if (Nb < 8)
                    C2 = 2;
                    C3 = 3;
                    C2 = 3;
                    C3 = 4;

                for (m = j = 0; j < nb; j++, m += 3)
                    fi[m] = (byte)((j + C1) % nb);
                    fi[m + 1] = (byte)((j + C2) % nb);
                    fi[m + 2] = (byte)((j + C3) % nb);

                    ri[m] = (byte)((nb + j - C1) % nb);
                    ri[m + 1] = (byte)((nb + j - C2) % nb);
                    ri[m + 2] = (byte)((nb + j - C3) % nb);

                N = Nb * (Nr + 1);

                for (i = j = 0; i < Nk; i++, j += 4)
                    CipherKey[i] = PackFrom(key, j);

                for (i = 0; i < Nk; i++)
                    fkey[i] = CipherKey[i];

                for (j = Nk, k = 0; j < N; j += Nk, k++)
                    fkey[j] = fkey[j - Nk] ^ SubByte(RotateLeft(fkey[j - 1], 24)) ^ rco[k];

                    if (Nk <= 6)
                        for (i = 1; i < Nk && (i + j) < N; i++)
                            fkey[i + j] = fkey[i + j - Nk] ^ fkey[i + j - 1];
                        for (i = 1; i < 4 && (i + j) < N; i++)
                            fkey[i + j] = fkey[i + j - Nk] ^ fkey[i + j - 1];

                        if ((j + 4) < N)
                            fkey[j + 4] = fkey[j + 4 - Nk] ^ SubByte(fkey[j + 3]);

                        for (i = 5; i < Nk && (i + j) < N; i++)
                            fkey[i + j] = fkey[i + j - Nk] ^ fkey[i + j - 1];

                for (j = 0; j < Nb; j++)
                    rkey[j + N - Nb] = fkey[j];

                for (i = Nb; i < (N - Nb); i += Nb)
                    k = N - Nb - i;

                    for (j = 0; j < Nb; j++)
                        rkey[k + j] = InvMixCol(fkey[i + j]);


                for (j = (N - Nb); j < N; j++)
                    rkey[j - N + Nb] = fkey[j];

            public static void encrypt(byte[] buff)
                int i, j, k, m;
                uint[] a = new uint[8];
                uint[] b = new uint[8];
                uint[] x, y, t;

                for (i = j = 0; i < Nb; i++, j += 4)
                    a[i] = PackFrom(buff, j);
                    a[i] ^= fkey[i];

                k = Nb;
                x = a;
                y = b;

                for (i = 1; i < Nr; i++)
                    for (m = j = 0; j < Nb; j++, m += 3)
                        y[j] = fkey[k++] ^ ftable[(byte)x[j]] ^
                            RotateLeft(ftable[(byte)(x[fi[m]] >> 8)], 8) ^
                            RotateLeft(ftable[(byte)(x[fi[m + 1]] >> 16)], 16) ^
                            RotateLeft(ftable[x[fi[m + 2]] >> 24], 24);

                    t = x;
                    x = y;
                    y = t;

                for (m = j = 0; j < Nb; j++, m += 3)
                    y[j] = fkey[k++] ^ (uint)fbsub[(byte)x[j]] ^
                        RotateLeft((uint)fbsub[(byte)(x[fi[m]] >> 8)], 8) ^
                        RotateLeft((uint)fbsub[(byte)(x[fi[m + 1]] >> 16)], 16) ^
                        RotateLeft((uint)fbsub[x[fi[m + 2]] >> 24], 24);

                for (i = j = 0; i < Nb; i++, j += 4)
                    UnpackFrom(y[i], buff, j);
                    x[i] = y[i] = 0;

            public static void decrypt(byte[] buff)
                int i, j, k, m;
                uint[] a = new uint[8];
                uint[] b = new uint[8];
                uint[] x, y, t;

                for (i = j = 0; i < Nb; i++, j += 4)
                    a[i] = PackFrom(buff, j);
                    a[i] ^= rkey[i];

                k = Nb;
                x = a;
                y = b;

                for (i = 1; i < Nr; i++)
                    for (m = j = 0; j < Nb; j++, m += 3)
                        y[j] = rkey[k++] ^ rtable[(byte)x[j]] ^
                            RotateLeft(rtable[(byte)(x[ri[m]] >> 8)], 8) ^
                            RotateLeft(rtable[(byte)(x[ri[m + 1]] >> 16)], 16) ^
                            RotateLeft(rtable[x[ri[m + 2]] >> 24], 24);

                    t = x;
                    x = y;
                    y = t;

                for (m = j = 0; j < Nb; j++, m += 3)
                    y[j] = rkey[k++] ^ (uint)rbsub[(byte)x[j]] ^
                        RotateLeft((uint)rbsub[(byte)(x[ri[m]] >> 8)], 8) ^
                        RotateLeft((uint)rbsub[(byte)(x[ri[m + 1]] >> 16)], 16) ^
                        RotateLeft((uint)rbsub[x[ri[m + 2]] >> 24], 24);

                for (i = j = 0; i < Nb; i++, j += 4)
                    UnpackFrom(y[i], buff, j);
                    x[i] = y[i] = 0;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The code below are utility functions for calling the Rijndael code above
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            /// <summary>This version of EncryptData takes the message, password 
            /// and IV as byte arrays and encrypts the message, returning the encrypted text 
            /// as a byte array.
            /// NOTE: In this implementation I add four bytes to the start of the message and
            /// use that space to store the length of the message. Then the sister DecryptData
            /// function knows where to trim the message before returning it. Not all
            /// encryption routines will use this method. The only parts specified in the
            /// Rijndael standard are for use of the gentables, gkey, encrypt and decrypt
            /// functions. So if you have some data encrypted with another implementation
            /// of Rijndael, or you are encypting data that will be decrypted with another
            /// implementation, then you will need to know how they are recording the length of
            /// the message (if at all), and if you are encrypting/decrypting strings whether
            /// they based it on Ascii or Unicode (or some other character set).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="message">The encrypted message</param>
            /// <param name="password">The password/key to encrypt the message with</param>
            /// <param name="initialisationVector">The IV as a string</param>
            /// <param name="blockSize">The block size used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="keySize">The key size used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="cryptMode">The encryption mode, CBC or ECB, used to encrypt the message</param>
            public static byte[] EncryptData(byte[] message, byte[] password,
                byte[] initialisationVector, BlockSize blockSize,
                KeySize keySize, EncryptionMode cryptMode)
                byte[] messageData, keyBlock, vectorBlock, dataBlock;
                int messageLength, encodedLength, nb, nk;

                // Dont do any work if message is empty
                messageLength = message.Length;
                if (messageLength <= 0)
                    return message;

                // Set up arrays based on block size
                switch (blockSize)
                    case BlockSize.Block128:
                        nb = 4;
                    case BlockSize.Block192:
                        nb = 6;
                    default:	// assume 256
                        nb = 8;

                vectorBlock = new byte[nb * 4];
                dataBlock = new byte[nb * 4];

                for (int i = 0; i < (nb * 4); i++)
                    vectorBlock[i] = 0;
                    dataBlock[i] = 0;

                // Set up array based on key size
                switch (keySize)
                    case KeySize.Key128:
                        nk = 4;
                    case KeySize.Key192:
                        nk = 6;
                    default:	// assume 256
                        nk = 8;

                keyBlock = new byte[nk * 4];

                for (int i = 0; i < (nk * 4); i++)
                    keyBlock[i] = 0;

                // Key will be zero padded, or trimmed to correct size
                for (int i = 0; (i < password.Length) && (i < (nk * 4)); i++)
                    keyBlock[i] = password[i];

                // Vector will be zero padded, or trimmed to correct size
                for (int i = 0; (i < initialisationVector.Length) && (i < (nb * 4)); i++)
                    vectorBlock[i] = initialisationVector[i];

                // Prepare the key and tables using the Rijndael fuinctions
                gkey(nb, nk, keyBlock);

                // Add 4 bytes to message to store message length, then make sure the length
                // is a Mod of the block size
                encodedLength = messageLength + 4;

                if ((encodedLength % (nb * 4)) != 0)
                    encodedLength += ((nb * 4) - (encodedLength % (nb * 4)));

                messageData = new byte[encodedLength];

                // Put message length on front of message
                messageData[0] = (byte)messageLength;
                messageData[1] = (byte)(messageLength >> 8);
                messageData[2] = (byte)(messageLength >> 16);
                messageData[3] = (byte)(messageLength >> 24);

                Array.Copy(message, 0, messageData, 4, messageLength);

                // Zero pad the end of the array
                for (int i = (messageLength + 4); i < encodedLength; i++)
                    messageData[i] = 0;

                // Loop through the message encrypting it a block at a time
                for (int i = 0; i < encodedLength; i += (nb * 4))
                    Array.Copy(messageData, i, dataBlock, 0, (nb * 4));

                    // Do some XORing if in CBC mode
                    if (cryptMode == EncryptionMode.ModeCBC)
                        for (int j = 0; j < (nb * 4); j++)
                            dataBlock[j] ^= vectorBlock[j];


                    if (cryptMode == EncryptionMode.ModeCBC)
                        Array.Copy(dataBlock, 0, vectorBlock, 0, dataBlock.Length);

                    Array.Copy(dataBlock, 0, messageData, i, (nb * 4));

                return messageData;

            /// <summary>This version of EncryptData takes the message, password 
            /// and IV as strings and encrypts the message, returning the encrypted text as a string.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="message">The plain text message</param>
            /// <param name="password">The password/key to encrypt the message with</param>
            /// <param name="initialisationVector">The IV as a string</param>
            /// <param name="blockSize">The block size used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="keySize">The key size used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="cryptMode">The encryption mode, CBC or ECB, used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="returnAsHex">Whether the encrypted message is to be returned as Hex</param>
            public static string EncryptData(string message, string password,
                string initialisationVector, BlockSize blockSize,
                KeySize keySize, EncryptionMode cryptMode, bool returnAsHex)
                byte[] messageData, passwordData, vectorData;

                // If message is empty dont bother doing any work
                if (message.Length <= 0)
                    return "";

                System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encoderUnicode = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();

                // Convert message, key and IV to byte arrays
                messageData = encoderUnicode.GetBytes(message);
                passwordData = encoderUnicode.GetBytes(password);
                vectorData = encoderUnicode.GetBytes(initialisationVector);

                // Return encrypted message as string (hex version of bytes if required)
                if (returnAsHex)
                    return BytesToHex(EncryptData(messageData, passwordData,
                        vectorData, blockSize, keySize, cryptMode));
                    return encoderUnicode.GetString(EncryptData(messageData, passwordData,
                        vectorData, blockSize, keySize, cryptMode));

            /// <summary>This version of DecryptData takes the encrypted message, password 
            /// and IV as byte arrays and decrypts the message, returning the plain text as 
            /// a byte array.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="message">The encrypted message</param>
            /// <param name="password">The password/key that was used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="initialisationVector">The IV</param>
            /// <param name="blockSize">The block size used in encrypting the message</param>
            /// <param name="keySize">The key size used in encrypting the message</param>
            /// <param name="cryptMode">The encryption mode, CBC or ECB, used in encrypting the message</param>
            public static byte[] DecryptData(byte[] message, byte[] password,
                byte[] initialisationVector, BlockSize blockSize,
                KeySize keySize, EncryptionMode cryptMode)
                byte[] messageData, keyBlock, vectorBlock, dataBlock;
                int messageLength, encodedLength, nb, nk;

                // Dont do any work if message is empty
                encodedLength = message.Length;
                if (encodedLength <= 0)
                    return message;

                // Set up arrays based on block size
                switch (blockSize)
                    case BlockSize.Block128:
                        nb = 4;
                    case BlockSize.Block192:
                        nb = 6;
                    default:	// assume 256
                        nb = 8;

                vectorBlock = new byte[nb * 4];
                dataBlock = new byte[nb * 4];

                for (int i = 0; i < (nb * 4); i++)
                    vectorBlock[i] = 0;
                    dataBlock[i] = 0;

                // Set up array based on key size
                switch (keySize)
                    case KeySize.Key128:
                        nk = 4;
                    case KeySize.Key192:
                        nk = 6;
                    default:	// assume 256
                        nk = 8;

                keyBlock = new byte[nk * 4];

                for (int i = 0; i < (nk * 4); i++)
                    keyBlock[i] = 0;

                // Key will be zero padded, or trimmed to correct size
                for (int i = 0; (i < password.Length) && (i < (nk * 4)); i++)
                    keyBlock[i] = password[i];

                // Vector will be zero padded, or trimmed to correct size
                for (int i = 0; (i < initialisationVector.Length) && (i < (nb * 4)); i++)
                    vectorBlock[i] = initialisationVector[i];

                // Prepare the key and tables using the Rijndael fuinctions
                gkey(nb, nk, keyBlock);

                // Decrypt a block at a time
                for (int i = 0; i < encodedLength; i += (nb * 4))
                    Array.Copy(message, i, dataBlock, 0, (nb * 4));


                    // If CBC mode we need to do some extra XORing
                    if (cryptMode == EncryptionMode.ModeCBC)
                        for (int j = 0; j < (nb * 4); j++)
                            dataBlock[j] ^= vectorBlock[j];

                        Array.Copy(message, i, vectorBlock, 0, (nb * 4));

                    Array.Copy(dataBlock, 0, message, i, (nb * 4));

                // Message length was originally put on front of message, so retrieve it
                messageLength = (int)message[0] | (((int)message[1]) << 8) |
                    (((int)message[2]) << 16) | (((int)message[3]) << 24);

                // Get the original message from the clear text
                messageData = new byte[messageLength];
                Array.Copy(message, 4, messageData, 0, messageLength);

                return messageData;

            /// <summary>This version of DecryptData takes the encrypted message, password 
            /// and IV as strings and decrypts the message, returning the plain text as a string.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="message">The encrypted message</param>
            /// <param name="password">The password/key that was used to encrypt the message</param>
            /// <param name="initialisationVector">The IV as a string</param>
            /// <param name="blockSize">The block size used in encrypting the message</param>
            /// <param name="keySize">The key size used in encrypting the message</param>
            /// <param name="cryptMode">The encryption mode, CBC or ECB, used in encrypting the message</param>
            /// <param name="messageAsHex">Whether the encrypted message was returned as Hex</param>
            public static string DecryptData(string message, string password,
                string initialisationVector, BlockSize blockSize,
                KeySize keySize, EncryptionMode cryptMode, bool messageAsHex)
                byte[] messageData, passwordData, vectorData;

                // Dont do any work is the message is empty
                if (message.Length <= 0)
                    return "";

                System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encoderUnicode = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();

                // Was message supplied in Hex or as simple string
                if (messageAsHex)
                    messageData = HexToBytes(message);
                    messageData = encoderUnicode.GetBytes(message);

                // Convert key and IV to byte arrays
                passwordData = encoderUnicode.GetBytes(password);
                vectorData = encoderUnicode.GetBytes(initialisationVector);

                // Return the decrypted plain test as a string
                return encoderUnicode.GetString(DecryptData(messageData, passwordData,
                    vectorData, blockSize, keySize, cryptMode));

            /// <summary>Utility function to convert a byte array to a string</summary>
            public static string BytesToString(byte[] message)
                if (message.Length <= 0)
                    return "";

                System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encoderUnicode = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();

                return encoderUnicode.GetString(message);

            /// <summary>Utility function to convert a string to a byte array</summary>
            public static byte[] StringToBytes(string message)
                if (message.Length <= 0)
                    return new byte[0];

                System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encoderUnicode = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();

                return encoderUnicode.GetBytes(message);

            /// <summary>Utility function to convert a byte array to a string of hex</summary>
            public static string BytesToHex(byte[] message)
                System.Text.StringBuilder temp = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                // Convert each byte to hex and add to string
                for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i++)
                    temp.Append(string.Format("{0:X2}", message[i]));

                return temp.ToString();

            /// <summary>Utility function to convert a string of hex to a byte array</summary>
            public static byte[] HexToBytes(string message)
                // Strip non hex
                message = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(message.ToUpper(), "[^0-9A-F]", "");

                // Prepare return array
                byte[] data = new byte[message.Length / 2];

                // Convert hex character pairs to bytes
                for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i += 2)
                    data[i / 2] = (Convert.ToByte(message.Substring(i, 2), 16));

                return data;


  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20801952/converting-vb6-aes-rijndael-block-cipher-to-c-sharp-by-phil-fresle
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1679296/password-encryption-decryption-between-classic-asp-and-asp-net/14674957
  • http://www.frez.co.uk/free

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